SFK21 A3 - SET FUNCTION KEYS To be used with EDASS 128 {Editor and Assembler for C128} By lived.ch 18:05 04.05.2024 --------------------------------------- Update! Found out that previous version crashed if started immediatelly, without first starting the Edass 128 project manually after booting. It seem that Edass is really everywhere and there was a conflict i didn't saw because Edass 128 was already running when i did tests. --------------------------------------- This is Set Function Key {SFK} program to setup functions/commands for use with EDASS 128. Boot EDASS 128 first and bload"sfksys2048.bl" afterwards. .ASM file ending will be added* to your NEW project name {max 10 characters} Start with SYS 2048 *If you rename your file with !rename command then you must also add .ASM" That is out of SFK control. e.g. !rename"mycode.asm"="mynewcode.asm" After renaming, you need to update the project name in SFK. There, you only need to enter "mynewcode" because .ASM will be added. ***************************************** SFK is using space between $0800 {2048} and $0dff {dec 3583}. For your own code, you have Sprite area available {if you don't use Sprites}, between $0e00 - $0fff Then space between $1300 and $19ff is available and huge area a little bit over 9200 bytes from $1c00 to $4000. Assuming you won't use high resolution graphic {which is moving BASIC area from $1C00 to $4000 {However, there is EDASS 128 located and that leaves you with $1300 to $19ff usable area, plus Sprite of 512 bytes. Instead of high resolution graphic, my suggestion is to use MCC Mode. I wrote about it several times. It's fun working with that and you'll have over 12'000 bytes free space. Default start address is $1300! To change it, type Key in BASIC direct mode and change the starting address in Key number 5, to e.g. GO$2000 {and hit ENTER} ---------------------------------------