C128_HiResolutionGraphic_FullScreen lived.ch, 15.01.2024 Listing 1 10 gs=8192:nl=320:cs=7168:cl=40 12 color 1,5:graphic 1,1 14 for y = 0 to 24 16 for b = 0 to 39 18 pokegs+(nl*y)+0+(b*8),189 20 pokegs+(nl*y)+1+(b*8),102 22 pokegs+(nl*y)+2+(b*8),195 24 pokegs+(nl*y)+3+(b*8),165 26 pokegs+(nl*y)+4+(b*8),129 28 pokegs+(nl*y)+5+(b*8),219 30 pokegs+(nl*y)+6+(b*8),195 32 pokegs+(nl*y)+7+(b*8),126 34 next 36 next y 38 rem :::: share your colors 40 rem graphic 1,1 42 for y=0 to 23 step 2 44 for x=0to19 46 fora=6to7:poke cs+(x*2)+(cl*(0+y)),l 48 l=(rnd(1)*10)+1 50 pokegs+(x*16)+(nl*(0+y))+a,3:next 52 o=(rnd(1)*10)+1 54 fora=6to7:pokecs+1+(x*2)+(cl*(0+y)),o 56 pokegs+8+(x*16)+(nl*(0+y))+a,196:next 58 k=(rnd(1)*10)+1 60 fora=0to1:poke cs+(x*2)+(cl*(1+y)),k 62 pokegs+(x*16)+(nl*(1+y))+a,3:next 64 fora=0to2:pokecs+1+(x*2)+(cl*(1+y)),i 66 i=(rnd(1)*10)+1 68 pokegs+8+(x*16)+(nl*(1+y))+a,196:next 70 next:next 72 b$="commodore c128/it can be done!" 74 c$=" 2024!":d$=b$+c$ 76 t=len(d$)/2:color 1,15 78 char 1,20-t,24,d$,1 80 get a$:if a$=" " then goto 84 82 goto 80 84 graphic 0:end -------------------------------------