C128_RasterBars! lived.ch, 19.01.2024 { Moving Color Raster Bars } { This is written directly in Machine Language Monitor of Commodore 128 } { After some C128 BASIC language hours, here we go back to Assembly } { Having this done completely in *ML and it was working the first attempt } { all i can do is to congrats myself, haha... } { brain cells still working even after more than half century! } * {{ you can't insert a command, you need to think in advance how do you want this }} {{ and start from scratch if you make a mistake. Very demanding! Braincells are burning }} SYS 4864 to run, STOP with RUN/STOP Restore d 1300 ffff . 01300 a9 05 lda #$05 . 01302 8d 20 d0 sta $d020 . 01305 c9 00 cmp #$00 . 01307 f0 43 beq $134c . 01309 a9 32 lda #$32 . 0130b cd 12 d0 cmp $d012 . 0130e d0 fb bne $130b . 01310 a9 06 lda #$06 . 01312 8d 20 d0 sta $d020 . 01315 a9 70 lda #$70 . 01317 cd 12 d0 cmp $d012 . 0131a d0 fb bne $1317 . 0131c ad 11 13 lda $1311 . 0131f c9 0f cmp #$0f . 01321 f0 31 beq $1354 . 01323 a9 0b lda #$0b . 01325 8d 20 d0 sta $d020 . 01328 a9 90 lda #$90 . 0132a cd 12 d0 cmp $d012 . 0132d 20 36 13 jsr $1336 . 01330 20 3e 13 jsr $133e . 01333 4c 00 13 jmp $1300 . 01336 a0 00 ldy #$00 . 01338 c8 iny . 01339 c0 a0 cpy #$a0 . 0133b d0 fb bne $1338 . 0133d 60 rts . 0133e ee 16 13 inc $1316 . 01341 ee 29 13 inc $1329 . 01344 ad 29 13 lda $1329 . 01347 c9 e8 cmp #$e8 . 01349 f0 11 beq $135c . 0134b 60 rts . 0134c a9 05 lda #$05 . 0134e 8d 01 13 sta $1301 . 01351 4c 00 13 jmp $1300 . 01354 a9 06 lda #$06 . 01356 8d 11 13 sta $1311 . 01359 4c 00 13 jmp $1300 . 01341 ee 29 13 inc $1329 . 01344 ad 29 13 lda $1329 . 01347 c9 e8 cmp #$e8 . 01349 f0 11 beq $135c . 0134b 60 rts . 0134c a9 05 lda #$05 . 0134e 8d 01 13 sta $1301 . 01351 4c 00 13 jmp $1300 . 01354 a9 06 lda #$06 . 01356 8d 11 13 sta $1311 . 01359 4c 00 13 jmp $1300 . 0135c a9 70 lda #$70 . 0135e 8d 16 13 sta $1316 . 01361 a9 90 lda #$90 . 01363 8d 29 13 sta $1329 . 01366 ce 01 13 dec $1301 . 01369 ee 11 13 inc $1311 . 0136c ee 24 13 inc $1324 . 0136f 4c 00 13 jmp $1300