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{ C128 BASIC, C128 Built-In ML Monitor }
{ Assembler & Editor Edass 128 }
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One day... none 14.05.2024 none none
One day, to program a game in assembler...
This is a close to 40 years old childhood dream. That's why I'll leave the TED 2.0 Tile Editor for graphic screen a little bit in the corner to collect some dust {all issues are resolved btw.}.
I just have a feeling i need a break from TED 2.0.
And make me more creative here in designing some graphic elements to be able to create a nice looking game one day, not to complex. Only the basic elements.
This first screenshot is showing where it is going. Still a lot of work to do.
Need to create some basic level designing editor and will probably use the TED 2.0 Design Editor for that with some necessary modifications.
Name Source Date Read Source Download
LevelEditDemo .d64 31.05.2024   .d64 1
GFXCharSetC128 Demo DemoALT    
This is the 10th first step towards a childhood dream, hehe...
And after a while i could make this graphic elements and the level editor for C128.
It's written Demo, but it is actually fully working.
I noticed the last moment a little bug with one reverse
graphic symbol XYZ. I probably exchanged the addresses, but it is all there.
Will be corrected with the next revision.
Check readmde.bl file on floppy. It is loaded with bload"readme.bl"
Editor itself is bload"leveledit01" then start by typing sys 8192
Address 8192 is $2000 also known as a graphic area.
That means, don't use Basic Graphic commands with CLR enabled {e.g. Graphic 1,1} or you'll delete
the program and the gfx character set {located at $3800, top of graphic area}
Even though, this is meant for assembly coding, if you want to use it also in BASIC it is a good advice
to execute in BASIC direct mode, BEFORE you start the LevelEditor, the following commands:

Graphic 1,1: Graphic 0 {execute this just once!}

This will push the BASIC start address to $4000, means above the gfx characterset.
Your BASIC program should then start like this once you have levels created and want to use them:
{hint: screens are created with generic names 01screen, 01color. You can easily rename them by
using the C128 BASIC command 'rename'!

rename d0,"01screen" to "level01gfx"
rename d0,"01color" to "level01col"

C128 BASIC example code:

5 color 0,1:color 4,1
10 if peek(2736) = 150 then goto 40
15 poke 2736,150
20 graphic 1,1:graphic 0
30 bload"monogfxfont":rem need to load just 1x
40 fast
50 bload"level01gfx"
60 bload"level01col"
70 poke 2604,30:slow
80 get a$:if a$="q" then 100
90 goto 80
100 rem your game code...

Using this like that will give you BASIC space from $4000 and free memory below that for assembly to combine it.
Available: $0b00 to $0dff, then $1300 to $19ff {or until $1bff} depending on Edass 128 version.
$1c01 is now Graphic Color Area start until $1fff, but since we don't use it, you can go up to $37ff with your assembler code {from $3800 is this bload"monogfxfont" new character set, poke 2604,30}.
To go back to C128 normal character set, just type poke 2604,20.
Name Source Date Read Source Download
GameProject none 28.06.2024 none none
Not much going on here lately...
And that is because i am working on this game {for C128, what else}.
So far i managed to finish the 6th level.
{i actually just wanted to see how it can be done, and make one level for that, hehe}
Now, i am planing to do 10 levels in total, but who knows, maybe it'll be less.
This is not the game i always wanted to make as a child, but it was so much fun when i started this that it was impossible to stop.
As a kid i always also played H.E.R.O and that is kinda going that way, but it's at the same time absolutely and completely different.
It's taking longer than expected because i have to do the coding, playing, find bugs, correcting, add new ideas etc.
In any case, like all already heard somewhere: It is done when it is done...
Can be that i'll make 1 level demo {soon...}
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